In Memoriam
This page is in remembrance of those Purps fans who are sadly no longer with us. As part of the purple stadium there will be a memorial space created to honour these departed fans, and to ensure that they are still present at each of our home games.

Jason Morland
15/9/24 – Aged 53
Jason was a Purp from the very beginning and his camera footage of the two late goals against Bacup Borough in our 1st league home game, set the stall for nearly 10 years of coverage of Purps’ wins, draws and losses.
His early videos contained inadvertent commentary, but over time he honed his craft and his equipment and undoubtedly became the pre-eminent documenter of not only The Purps but local non-league and Sunday football as well on his various social media accounts.
He leaves behind his mum and dad, 2 brothers, a twin sister and 2 children.

Sydney Caulfield
27/6/24 – Aged 77
Sid Caulfield was a Purps’ member father of Club Vice Chairman Mike Caulfield.
Affectionately known as “The Jonah” he had never seen the Purps win a game, despite several attempts.
Sid’s family have kept his membership going as a token of hisaffection for the club.

Tony Butchard
28th November 2022
Tony was a strong supporter of the Purps and came to games whenever he could.
Tony was especially present in the first season, we’re he followed the team everywhere, until a stroke limited his ability to get to games.
Tony sadly passed away on 28/11/22 aged 62.

Frank Vaudrey
June 17th 2022
A longstanding member of COLFC, Frank was a big supporter of the club and a powerful force in our efforts to secure Adlam Park for the new stadium, via his role as Chair of Fazakerley Federation.
A true gentleman lost not only to his loving family and the Purps, but to the City of Liverpool as a whole.
RIP Frank

Robert Finnertty "Finney"
9th September 2019 – Aged 54
Finney was a true original and one of the funiest men you could ever hope to meet.
A supporter of the Purps since the creation of the club, we will all have many monents and memories of Finney to remember him by.
Wherever he is today, you can rest assurred that he has got them harashed!
Rest in Peace Purp!

Vincent Davies
10th June 2019 – Aged 60
Vinny loved coming to watch The Purps with his son Chris and a wider group of friends.
He always said that he loved coming to watch COLFC, as it reminded him of the old days following Liverpool everywhere and having a great time with the lads and a good sing song.
RIP Vinny

Ronnie McCarthy
7th December 2018 – aged 53
Ronnie was an ever present for the Purps (other than due to illness) since the very formation of the club.
He had a wealth of knowledge of the Non-League scene and always had good insight to pass onto the club Directors.
One of the “Congleton 9” Ronnie had fought off several bouts of Cancer and was still insisting as recently as last Saturday that he was “Going to watch the Purps”
RIP Ronnie

Danny Dalton Snr
15th April 2018 – Aged 78
Danny Dalton Senior was an ever present throughout our first two seasons supporting and watching his grandson, Purps centre-back Danny Dalton.
Danny was the head of 4 generations of Daltons to regularly attend COLFC games, a true testiment of his legacy.
R.I.P. Danny

William 'Bill' Logan
6th January 2018 – Aged 69
As soon as Bill had attended is first COLFC game he caught the bug and never missed a home game, along with his son Chris and granddaughter Emma.
Bill helped spread the word of the Purps Down Under by regularly sending programmes over to his son living in Australia.
R.I.P. Bill

Alan Dixon
10th May 2017 – Aged 46
Dicko was a well known and well loved character at Purps games who had some very close life long friends amongst the Partisans.
He was a passionate campaigner in the fight for justice for Hillsborough victims and survivors and through this earned respect and love from supporters of all clubs.
R.I.P. Dicko